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April 09, 2020 | May 11, 2020 | 5,325 total views
Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) & Rapid Re-Housing (RRH)

COVID and Intensive Case Management Services (ICMS)

COVID and ICMS – A Quick Guide to Keeping Safe and Delivering Care

COVID and ICMS – A Quick Guide to DPSS Resources for Your Clients

Telehealth and Other Resources for ICMS

Interim Housing

COVID and Congregate Facilities

COVID Log and Facility Outbreak Response Workflow

Cell Phones for Participants in Congregate Settings

Enriched Residential Care (ERC)

COVID and Congregate Facilities

COVID Log and Facility Outbreak Response Workflow


COVID Guidance for Street Outreach

COVID Outreach Webinar (From April 13)

Preparing for COVID-19: Guidance for Los Angeles County Homeless Outreach Teams and Their Agencies: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rnD_78vVBXw&feature=youtu.be

Health Plan and Health Resources

Health Plan Nursing Lines

Health Plan Telehealth Resources

Supplies (PPE, household goods, etc)

PPE Use and Conservation

How to Don, Doff, and Reuse PPE (YouTube Video)

Harm Reduction and COVID-19

DHS Addiction Consult Services

Patient Instructions Suboxone Start

DHS COVID-19 Overdose Guidance

Other Resources

Public Health 101 and COVID-19 (Updated April 14)

Sign up for L.A. County Office of Emergency Management COVID-19 email updates

Mail Order Medications FAQ